Tuesday, October 9, 2012

the north face bookbags On November 14 of the same year

 has been greatly improved.
A sea area of ??the southern East China Sea on December 24
There is a bright spot in naval military vulnerable military services,the north face bookbags, active in coastal and small ships, has created a lot of boats hit the big ship miracle that is approved.
The new oakley naval warfare, jointly with the Army from May 25 to August 3 in 1950, 131 teachers liberation Wanshan Islands of the Pearl River Estuary, Guangdong Military Region JiangFang Command
?(Ie, the predecessor of the South China Sea Fleet), rely on only 5 of 28 tons of small gunboats 9 of 9 small landing craft,the north face jacket, an infantry landing ship (a frigate, four landing ship more than 30 gunboats KMT Third Fleet battle. seriously injured.
August 6, 1965, the South China Sea Fleet, four corvettes (125 tons) and 11 torpedo boats (tens of tons) to 161 gunboats to support troops in Fujian Dongshan Island, South Brother Island near the sea, give the KMT Navy large sunk Our army only two corvettes, two torpedo boat suffered minor injuries.
On November 14 of the same year, the East China Sea Fleet of the corvettes and torpedo boats of 6 assault group, in the sea east of Fujian Province Chongwu, which lasted 1 hour and 33 minutes, I only slightly injured two corvettes and torpedo boats each.
The weakest of the South China Sea Fleet of military equipment, but to win two of oakley crucial naval battle: the battle of the seventies the Xisha and Nansha in the eighties war. Two wars to regain the the Xisha all and Nansha islands, South oakley established marit

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